Surly-Mac's Blues

"Take your time, young man - take your time"

I'm ba-aaack... sort of.

Musically, we’re pretty much “starting over”; back to being a stone-beginner at everything!
Well - I (or, “we” in the sense of SMOMB) have been gone for a long time.

Musically, we’re pretty much “starting over”; back to being a stone-beginner at everything!

I have the studio set up but today I’m just downstairs in the office, in front of my iMac and matching up with some harmonica lesson-work, on-line.

This post is simply to touch bases with Jim in California by sending a little harmonica challenge: grab a harp and follow along with
Lee Sankey’s “Country Harmonica” stuff on YouTube- It can be fun!

Here’s my
own quickie-take on the basics:
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